Thursday, April 19, 2007

How To Say Congradulation For Wedding


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Presidency of the Central Committee

Central Committee Fiom-CGIL
April 16, 2007

Agenda Accidents at work: the proposed general strike Fiom

The Central Committee of the Fiom, faced with the tragic chain of murders of white and accidents serious that succeed in workplaces, considers it essential that the issue of health and safety of workers is dealt with shock therapy at all levels.

First, we need to operationalize and strengthen inspection activities throughout both the Ministry of Labour, and health agencies to prevent and punish violations of the law, which today are enormous.

Secondly, it must take immediate action against precarious work and in particular in the chain of contracts and subcontracts, direct responsibility for safety at work, even for penal purposes, the company that is driving the chain of the contract.

that the judiciary should also play strictly to his duties, pursuing any illegality on the part of businesses.

addition to these immediate measures necessary to design a proper code of conduct for workers, which must be accepted by the company and the union must be pursued everywhere. Is to say that in front of the health risks immediately to stop the work until they are restored to a safe condition. It 'clear that the current organization of work, beyond the formal declarations has expelled him from the strict enforcement of safety standards. The precariousness of work and illegal employment then added further aggravating the situation.

Therefore, in addition to the shock therapy, it is essential to sustained action, that moves on two fronts in the fight against job insecurity and changes in work organization of businesses, particularly in the chain of the contract and subcontracts. The platform defined by Fim Uilm Fiom and to renew the contract assigns a central role to interventions to protect health and safety of workers. It represents a real test of the willingness of Confindustria and Federmeccanica to stop accidents and deaths at work.

's commitment to protect the health and safety of workers must simultaneously involve three levels of initiative that the union compared to firms, which must be held accountable for their responsibilities. To all relevant institutions. That legislation.

Fiom reiterates the need for a new labor law that represents a break with the Law 30.

The single text presented by the government to correct the previous Liberal government, but is still not enough compared to the empowerment of both companies, both with respect to the role of public bodies, both with respect to the function of RLS, which should be strengthened and better protected . In any case, the current tragic situation can not be addressed only with the passage of the single text, which will not have time short, especially in the definition of the decrees. Urgent measures are therefore needed to be established with the Decree Law.

The Central Committee of the Fiom commits all structures to convene meetings of RSUs and Rls, regional and enterprise levels, to organize the initiative to protect the health of workers, which is now top priority throughout the organization. Fiom convene a national assembly by the summer of all RLS and RSUs to review the status of the initiative.

To support action to protect the health of workers and to stop the chain murders of whites, the Central Committee of the Fiom CGIL, CISL and UIL contends that proclaim a strike National General for all categories of workers and employees. Approved unanimously


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