Wednesday, January 18, 2006

How Relieve The Esophagitis

Rc Car: Direct Compensation, AN rides the reasons for the lobby who want to cancel

Adiconsum on the bill for the repeal of the direct compensation Rc cars.

Rc Car: Direct Compensation, AN rides the reasons for the lobby who want to cancel

Paolo Landi, Adiconsum " Incredible, but true: some senators are trying to clear the AN standard of compensation directly provided by the Insurance Code baby! "

Adiconsum appeals to Parliament to defend the interests of over 40 million liability auto insurance!

Take No 3647 the bill for the initiative of some senators of the National Alliance for Justice and Industry presented to the Boards of the Senate to repeal Articles 149 and 150 of D. lgs. 209/05 (Code of Private Insurance), which introduced direct compensation for liability auto insurance.

If this happens, we will once again prevail over corporate interests lobbying against the interests of more than 40 million motor vehicle liability insurance.

Adiconsum along with other consumer groups is preparing an appeal to the presidents and all the members of both committees to ask them to reject this bill, and President Gianfranco Fini to intervene with the parliamentary representation of his own party.

no. st. Adiconsum national
tel. 06 44170222-3
Valeria Lai
347 9139574 347 6129402 Luca Rocchi


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